About Us
Ekonomi ve Finansal Araştırmalar Derneği, ekonomi ve finans alanlarındaki akademik çalışmaların geliştirilmesine ve bilimsel araştırmalar gelişimin artırılması ve tanıtılması, akademik çalışmaların yayımlanabileceği amacıyla kurulmuş bir dernektir.
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About Us

Economics and Financial Research Association


Economics and Financial Research Association aims

  • to develop academic studies in the fields of economics and finance and do scientific research,
  • to increase and promote professional development in these fields within the framework of scientific principles,
  • to develop a scientific platform where academic studies in the fields of economy, politics and finance can be published,
  • to support the professional, cultural and social development of its members.

The association carries out the following activities in order to achieve these aims:

  1. Organizes training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and panels.
  2. Provides all kinds of information, documents and publications, establishes a documentation center, publishes publications such as newspapers, magazines, books and bulletins in line with its aims in order to announce its work.
  3. Organizes meetings, concerts, proms, theater, exhibitions, sports, excursions and entertaining activities etc. in order to develop and maintain human relations among its members, or enable its members to benefit from such activities.
  4. Buys, sells, rents, leases movable and immovable properties and establishes real rights on immovables.
  5. Carries out international activities, becomes a member of associations or organizations abroad and collaborates with these organizations.
  6. Establishes platforms to achieve a common goal with other associations or foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations.
  7. Encourages scientists in the field of economy and finance, finance managers working in the private and public sectors, industrialists and business people to come together within the association and do the necessary work to develop the finance profession and the finance sector.
  8. Supports education and training in areas such as finance, business, banking and economy, conducts auxiliary studies, organizes conferences and seminars.
  9. Helps to develop professional standards and principles for the development of the economics and finance professions.
  10. Gives scholarships and awards and organizes competitions for the development of the economy and finance profession.